Understanding the SDK
The SDK is a Unity Repository loaded with several helper scripts. These scripts help users bring their own external assets and create Asset Bundle files for use with the V-BLDR application. In the project, the folder structure is kept simple and easy to handle. The only thing that matters for how things work is the structure of the Unity Scene Files and their folders. You can change all other folder structures (like dependencies) to suit your needs without affecting how assets are built. There are also helper scripts in the SDK (you can spot them as their names start with BLDR). You can use Unity's search function to find them. These scripts add more features to the scenes made for V-BLDR, like setting off logic or animations within the scene. The SDK includes a custom inspector window (you can find it by going to Window/BLDR SDK Window in the Unity Editor). This window has a button that auto-generates asset bundles for all folders tagged with an asset bundle tag. The main use of the SDK is to take external assets and import them into the Unity project. Most of the steps are like the usual Unity processes. You add assets the usual way - just drag the asset into the Unity Asset folder. NOTE: Unless we say otherwise, all Unity-specific names and features (like prefab or scene file) are used in the normal way. For example, to get objects ready to be bundled, you just turn them into prefabs using the normal Unity method. You can find official documentation at Unity's Online Documentation (https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/). There's plenty of documentation online on these topics.
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